Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Not down much more from yesterday.

Another 'meh' day at work. With 'G' knowing about the visit it's all sweeties and sunshine right now. I talked to the D boss today and he said that it's new promotion syndrome and we need to tell 'G' how he's acting so he can correct it. I hate it when they say things like 'I know you, I know that you're brutally honest. I know....' blah blah blah. Yeah, I get it. You don't see a problem. Fine, I'll do what I can to 'talk' to 'G' and get this problem back under wraps. If I'm miserable, then so be it. The sooner I can get out of here the better and if I have to do nothing but keep my mouth shut then that's the way it will be.

After work was another thing entirely!!! Piano was early today, but good. He says he's seeing improvement (which is good as apparently the moment I sit at the piano I fuck up every other note, while at home I can get through the first few barres, repeat, without a mistake....). I've got to catch up on minor scales, get the last 2 of the first 6 major scales, and finishing the first page of For Elise. Sounds good to me!!!! He say's he'll have Bohemian Rhapsody by next week, and I may look up the piano version of 21 Guns (so pretty!!!!) or Viva La Gloria ( I can't find the upside down ! for that)

The gym was cool. Actually got to work out today. Started with some basics as he says he needs to see how my body works. Things like touching my toes, stretching out my hamstrings, and some other basic stretching. Squats were tough, mostly as my speed skating background has drilled a different stance into my head and I can't get my body to do anything else. Plus it was hard on the legs without any weights!!! Damn, I'm horribly out of shape. During the squats with a bar, I stopped at one point coz I was getting dizzy. I'm going to have to eat something more before the gym, more tuna or something. (I'd probably barely hit 150 cals before heading there). It was wierd a bit though too. I don't know how old he is, but I'm guessing he's only a few years older than I. He's got no problem getting into my bubble, and for a very strange reason, I'm not having an issue with it. Normally I jump, twitch, or be really wary but I didn't even flinch when he jabbed me in the side to point out the muscle I was supposed to be working. It's a good thing!!! It's just weird.... Once we were done I headed upstairs to the womens area and did some cardio. Started with 10 min on the Elliptical, unsure of how I would feel, but then continued with another 10 min, plus 2 min of cooldown on each. Did 15 min on one of those stupid bikes plus a 3 min cooldown. It was 133 cal burned for the second go on the Elliptical, and 90 on the bike (boourns bike!!!!) so I'm going to estimate that cardio alone was 350 cals. Add in the light weights, maybe 400 cals?

So today.... I've eaten about 500 cals (and that may be slightly overestimated), so puts me over 100 cals total.

As long as the BF % on the scale stops going up as my weight continues to drop.....

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