Sunday, October 10, 2010

So the first part of the day went well.... I didn't go for a ride because it was so windy. I woke up very warm also which is strange, and a whole whopping 147.7lbs on the scale.

Drank my tea then went out as planned. Finally managed to go get some of that eyeshadow that I dropped ages ago, and got some new jeans and black pants.

Went for dinner and started by eating the chips with dip, but ate so many of them. Then came dinner and I was already full from the chips. I put what I thought was a moderate amount on my plate and began to eat. I haven't eaten potatoes in ages and they tasted delicious, as did the carrots, turkey, gravy, but the broccoli was different. She cooked it with cheese and cream so it was kinda weird. I felt overfull at that point, then I ate desert.

I hurt soooo much after that. I sat stretched out on her couch partly wishing I could puke, then after cleaning up I went home with so many leftovers. I then decided to eat more desert and got overful again. It's now 2hrs later and after a nap I'm still sore and full, the scale registers 152.5lbs. That's 5lbs gain in one day!!!!!

Tomorrow, I would like to start at the gym. It opens at 8am and I need to be there at open if I'm going to have time. Get up at 7am and hit my friends to check on her cats, then go to the gym. Spend 1.5hrs there and then home to shower and work. Take tea, salad, and 35calorie cup a soup for work and hope that whats in my stomach now has worked its way out by then. After work, more tea and soup if I must. The idea of as little food as possible, if it must be consumed it should be in liquid form.

I want to go to the gym tomorrow, or go for a ride, but we'll see how I feel tomorrow.

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