Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back to Basics

It felt like I had food poisoning this morning. My stomach hurt and I wished I could puke. I did have a form of food poisoning, I'd gone and fed the poor thing too much and it had no idea on what to do with it. 8 hrs of sleep followed by another 2 on the couch helped but I was still pretty full and feeling gross.

Hauled ass off the couch and went to the gym. Ran for 30min then did a impromptu leg day. I started on hams, but the squat one was calling me. I haven't done that in months as it hurt so much the next day, and the bar rests on my shoulder blades and is irritating. However, I want a better ass, I need to tone that glute. So I did a few sets there before going to the old leg machines. I have no idea the weights we used during training, so I just stuck some on there until my legs felt tired. Then onto the hip abductor one. Halfway though Shaun decided to come say hello and scare the shit out of me. He and his wife were there and I found it amusing that he's on the treadmill warming up and holding a Starbucks. Did some situps before pretty much bailing. I could hear my stomach growling and it was after 3 already and I wanted to get home to do some cleaning up first. Shaun stopped me on my way out so I mocked him for his Starbucks.

Raced home to soak in the shower for ages before having my first food of the day. Just some cottage cheese with cucumber and tomatos, and make some tea for the road before dashing off to drive.

Wasn't too bad a night, shit tips but the roads weren't too bad and I kept busy. Managed not to eat, until I dropped off wings to a friend and then I had one, so maybe 80 calories. After that headed off to go buy clothes for the nephews for Christmas and then back home.

It's snowing again tonight. Falling in big giant flakes and covering all the icy spots. They've cleared all the main roads and some of the secondary roads but there's a ton of the intersections that are really deep in lose snow.

It's taking me so long to type this up coz Tom is driving me fucking nuts.... He's been texting all night after letting me know that he can't make it into town. Now he wants to play a game of asking questions and I stupidly said yes. It always leads one way with him and I don't know if it's just him being immature or I'm just not that into him, but I'm not interested in asking nothing but sex related questions and get annoyed when that's all he can ask me. He doesn't want to hang out, he doesn't give me an answer when I ask him to make plans. He just wants to come over whenever he feels like it and gets annoyed when I have plans.

I'm a busy person!!! Between work and going to the gym there's not much time for anything else. I struggle to arrange time to see the nephew in town and friends, let alone family. I had to turn down my dad's offer for dinner tomorrow as I'd agreed to take one of the guys driving shifts. (sad coz my dad makes gooooood food, but happy coz I won't have to eat it and then feel terrible after.) Tom needs to realise that I'm not just here when he feels horny and if he wants to hang out, he needs to make plans.

Maybe I'm just not that into him.... I would have moved heavan and earth for Scott, but that was a while ago. I have a new focus now.

Speaking of which, today has been a good day. Less than 500 cals, mostly liquids (though I'm only at 1.5L of water). The scale had a scary number this morning (147.8) and right now I think I'm 146.... I'm hoping for less than 145.5 by morning.

Plan for tomorrow... get up around 8am, hit the gym by 9am. Spend 2 hours there unless I feel more energetic, plan to be home and showered by noon. I have to go to work to check schedules and buy that shuffle. Then home to get some of the mittens started for Friday. Drive at 4pm but not sure how late I'll be there. Should be a good day though coz its the Grey Cup. Once I'm home, back to mittens. I hope to finish at least 2 by tomorrow night. For food? Well, I need to eat so maybe some oatmeal or cereal after the gym, then something salad like before work. Take soup with me and tea. Depending on what time I get home, maybe some veggies and soup for dinner....

I did buy two things today that will hopefully help. The Panda licorice, and some Nutella. They worked so well before I cut them out. The licorice helps the sugar cravings and at 8cal/piece it's not too bad if I have 4. The Nutella helps with the chocolate cravings. I can have a tiny bit on a teaspoon or have some with some fruit for a real sweet treat. Hopefully it will stop the crazy binges from happening.

C'mon morning.... Gimme a good number!!!

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