Sunday, December 12, 2010

Exhausted but happy

I've had my ups and downs today but overall it was a great day. I got up, and after seeing the beautiful 138.8 on the scale, I had oatmeal (I even had the entire package!!!!) and tea before heading out to the mall. My sister and I talked on the phone for a bit, got some things cleared up and some we agreed to disagree on but oh well, that's life. At least we're talking now. Once at the mall I bought a bunch of books for family and friends (and one for myself. Its one that I borrowed from the library and just can't seem to read it so I figured I love this author anyways and may as well just buy it) and then went into the rest of the mall. I couldn't believe how busy it was at 10am right as they opened!!! I stayed out of the clothing stores except to buy Jan socks, and my old boss a scarf (she loves them!) and I even splurged and bought myself 2 (flannel ones. 2/$15!). Hit another store for my sisters stools and then to buy my Dad's camera.

I'm pretty much done!!! First time ever!!! I just have to find some sugar free stuff for my diabetic boss, and a friend who is diabetic, and some more yummy treats for those I work with. It feels so great to be not scrambling for Christmas!!! However, the baking mood persists.

I got home and ran off to the gym, getting there in time to run for 30 min on 5.2mph. Slowly but surely speeding up! Leg day with Shaun and he started me off with pure torture. 100 leg presses, no weight but at 60 I was waiting for him to let me stop! He joked that I was looking too stressed so his goal was to make me exhausted so I could work the stress out. By then I was already in a great mood, and we were talking bass guitars, good bass tunes to learn and sugar free cookies. I'm going to see if I can find a recipe tomorrow unless Steph emailed me the ones I loved last weekend. I told him about the tofu chocolate cake too and he looks as sketical as everyone else I tell. Seriously delicious and no sugar! Finished off with abs (fuck my lower abs hurt!!! They're sore from Thursdays core class, the TA's or something. He wanted to work the upper abs and did, but I certainly felt those lower ones!!! Good in a way as those are really week) and then I jumped on the eliptical for 25min.

Got home a bit late but made it to work on time. I was fine until I got stuck with some old deliveries and my one machine kept declining cards. I had a hissy fit (screaming and yelling at one of the managers) until Ryan came and found me to ask what was wrong. I vented then all was good. Went to my friends to check on her cats and I set the fucking house alarm off. I feel like a tool!!! I have to go back tomorrow morning (ugh!) so I have to read the instructions before hitting buttons this time!

I was doing so well. Had no desire to eat until right at the very end. There was some leftover wings. I ate 6 of the 10, and left a bunch of the meat back on the bones. I felt very full, but not sick and it was probably a good thing I did have something in my stomach as I headed over to another friends for a birthday party after. I said hello, mingled, then ran into Jen, who was very drunk. She gave me a beer and we chatted for a bit. There's something going on with her but she doesn't like to talk about shit. I hope her and her BF are still together and it's not that coz that would really be awful.

We had a good laugh, relaxed, and got to talk to a bunch of people outside of work. It was fun. I'm glad I stayed, despite the beer calories and wings.

I took Jen home and didn't have to work too hard to resist hitting a drive thru on the way home so I'm super stoked about that.

I'm also very very tired. I got home, made a hot chocolate and started trying to do an update for my iPhone that has refused to connect to the internet all day today. It's got about 10 min left and when I just stood up right now it felt like my legs were full of lead.

Tomorrow? Clean the house and I really want to go check out the local craft store, see what they've got for chocolate moulds/candy making. Also google those cookies. Gotta hit my friends house by 9am to shoot up her cats (they're diabetic kitty's !!! lol) so no late sleep in for me! Meeting up with Sheri from work at 6pm to do some price matching for the boxing day food we have to provide the staff. All in all, a busy day planned and not going to the gym. I think I'll need a break, but I want to try the spin class on Monday.

Wander- Thanks hun :) I felt so at the end of my rope last night but I do feel much better today. As for fucking it all up, I did that last week, and I swear it's like it's helped me drop more. That stupid metabolism getting a kickstart. You can do it too!!!!

Alba- Glad you like that quote. When I saw it years ago I saved it in an old scrap book as I felt like it fit me perfectly. It's one of my favourites :) I had to embrace who I am, it's the only way I could feel happy. I may go into that more someday as it's something that's been on my mind a lot lately. I will post ink pictures I was going to tonight but I'm just so tired!

Phones finished thank goodness. Now I get to wait while I get the million emails and alerts then bed!! It's 230am!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. tofu chocolate cake?! whaaat!? I am curious...I love tofu & I love chocolate cake, but the two together seems like a very weird mixture lol let me know how it turns out & the recipe if its good!

    I seriously wish I had your energy, how do you do it? coffee? uppers? running of mania? I must know!! lol
