Monday, December 20, 2010

No Improvement

Well, maybe a bit. I went to bed at 143.1 and woke up at 140.9. Not where I wanted to be, but better than I could have been. I went to the gym, ran for 45 minutes, did a bunch of arms exercises, hit the bike for 10 min and then headed to work. Ate a total of 700 calories, no thanks to the last of the white chocolate in my locker and the cookie one of the gals gave me. I estimated 400 cals for that. Put me at a net of 227 for the day. I'm now at 141.5 which was a piss off.

If I can drop another 2lbs tonight and wake up at 138.9 or 139.4 I will be content, not happy, just meh. If I eat bare minimum all day and run my ass off, I should be able to drop that to 138.5. Still not where I wanted to be. I wanted to be below 140 on his scale, so add 3lbs as it has been in the past.

Tomorrow is going to be a tough day. I've got it all planned in my damn calendar. Plan is to get up at 8am, and start baking at 9am. I've got a lot to accomplish in order to head out to buy the work stuff by 11am. Then back to the house for more baking by 3pm and hit the gym by 530pm. I am hoping to get to the gym to buy more sessions tomorrow too and maybe squeeze in a session on the 23rd if he's free.

Maybe I'll even move my weigh in from tomorrow to the 23rd........

I can't think that. I have to keep it consistent!!! But damn it's a tempting thought.

Anyone see that eclipse tonight?

1 comment:

  1. Don't freak out about losing 2 or so pounds, it's such a big goal so makes it so hard to meet. Just be happy if you lose anything, thats a start:)

    I missed the eclipse. was too cloudy where I was anyways :(
