Sunday, January 9, 2011

6 in 6

That's what I'm calling this 'plan', or diet. Whatever it is...

6lbs in 6 days. Tough goal but I want to be 135 by Saturday morning.

Today was all liquids. Tea for breakfast, water while Devon did my hair, coffee for the drive up (I did have a XL double double.... Figured the drive would be hell enough so treat myself with some creme and sugar), half a diet pepsi, water and more tea once I got here. Apparently it's 313 cals but I had 2% milk in one of the teas so add a few more cals. Still stayed under 500 though!!! (stupid double double....)

I HURT this morning. My arms were so sore. Right around my armpits so its the change in routine yesterday. I could barely get a shirt on, let alone do up my damn bra. Probably didn't help that for dinner I had no protein and a shit ton of chocolate and popcorn. Not good recovery food. However, like I told Shaun, it's just the change up of things. Every time we change something around I hurt right after, then I get used to it pretty damn quick.

The weather was shit. Really horrible. Blowing snow and we had quite the dumping yesterday. I had to shovel this morning twice and when I left at 3pm it needed another shovel. We dyed my hair, not sure if I quite like it, and chopped it shorter. We bleached the black out a bit, then added a red/brown. Because of the natural red in my hair it came out a dark copper. I miss the black but am intregued by the red. If I do go to New York in Feb, I'm definatly going back to black hair though.

I managed to avoid food at my friends by saying I ate bad sushi last night (LIE) and that I don't like coconut once she offered me a muffin she had made (parital lie... I'm not a fan of coconut but I'll eat it...)

For most of the day I've been fine food wise. I have had some insane cravings though. Mostly for chocolate and junk so I'm just craving the sugar. I need to lay off for a day or so. No Starbucks fancy drinks, just the black Chai, no fruit and no bad food. I've just been repeating to myself '6 in 6, 6 in 6' just to keep focused. No going into grocery stores unles absolutly necessary and NO walking down the aisles that I know will tempt me.

Tomorrow, tea for breakfast and I'll have a yogurt to break the fast. I'll also take salad for lunch and a rice cake for before the gym. Zumba starts at 6pm so I'll have to be really organized to get there in time. I promised Shaun no treadmills for a few days so I'll hit an elliptical, do some light weights if my arms can handle it, Zumba and I think I might like to swim for a bit after. Bloody cat bit through the goggles I bought two days ago so I have to go buy more, but a half hour doing laps should be fun. I haven't done that in a really long time and it's low impact.

Should put me back here by 8pm, late enough to have a cup a soup and tea and maybe some snack my friend tries to make me eat. Without the snack it's less than 200 cals (maybe I'll have half a protein drink too... I'll need the addition along with loads of water).

I was 139 before my tea so I'm hoping to be right back to 139 by morning. 138 would be awesome, but perhaps too much of a stretch.

Wonder if anyone will notice when I finally hit 135.....

1 comment:

  1. 6 pounds in 6 days i doable, just keep up your metabolism.
    Good luck:)

    It snowed here too! I'm actually snowed in my house right now :|

    Are you doing liquids all 6 days? I'm starting a new plan today actually, day 1 starts with a fast! :D lol
