Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Good Normal Day

Woke up around 9:30am and lounged around until Chiro. Had a half a bowl of oatmeal and tea then off to have a free massage with the water jet machine. Not a huge fan, but I'll take a free 10 min. Came home later than I wanted, swung by work very briefly then off to the gym.

It felt so damn good to get on that bike. I tested out the legs and they felt fine, so off I went. 25 min later and my poor shaky legs got off. Met up with Shaun and off we went, new routine day 2. We did a ton of exercises focused solely on chin ups. It was hard!!! However, we chatted and had a good laugh at the same time, and I think we ran over again too.

I didn't push it after and went straight home, showering then off to work.

I ate smartly up to that point. I even had half a tuna salad for 60cals, and a rice cake. I went driving and didn't eat anything there.

Then I went to walmart. I already 'told' myself I could have a salad, and then I stopped in McDicks. I ate a chicken burger (about 3/4) and a few fries. Once home I dove into the cheerios and didn't look back.

I'm probably 143 right now.

That being said, I probably ate a normal amount, even though most if it happened at night. Today was a normal day, not a binge day. I've had a few normal days and yes I've gained a bit, but it's farily stable.

Tomorrow will be a challenge, but the last one with big meals. I am going for brunch at Firestone with my sister where I know I'll eat a ton (it's sooooo good!!!! Plus at $20/plate I want my money's worth) and then go do errands. Hang out at home, clean, organize etc, then off to the work Christmas Party (where I'm hoping they forgot to order chicken and just went with beef... another excuse for me not to eat). I will not stuff myself. I will eat one plate worth, and then have a desert. I may have a drink, but that's it. Then home, and ready for the morning.

Monday will be the return to restricting and seeing as I've had these normal days it should be so much easier to drop now that my metabolism has had a chance to normalise again. I just want to stay at 142 by Monday.

I joined project 365 today. It looks like it could be a challenge, yet so much fun all at the same time!!

So tired. Arms feel like noodles. I want to get a good nights sleep, 8hrs minimum. It will really help the weight loss. Any less than 6hrs and I'm not helping myself.


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