Sunday, June 27, 2010

So I missed the goal.... by a whopping 2.8lbs. I was 177.8lbs this morning.

I can't seem to lose any more at the moment, whatever I do just isn't working. I had a peek online and found a bunch of stuff about plateaus, and despite I think it's too early for that, it's possible. Online theres a variety of different methods to overcome this issue, one of the top ones was zig zagging, or something like it. Basically suggesting that you boost your metabolism by relaxing the rules a little for a day...

I've been eating 1200 cals or less each day, with my minimum suggested daily intake averaging between 1400 and 1600/day. Since I got back from England a week and a bit ago, I've lost about 4lbs. Realisticaly that's not too bad, but I'm stressing out every day I don't get one number down. Especially when the past 2 days I've bounced between 177.8 and 176.8lbs. It's only 1lb so why am I stressed!!!!

Anyways, today I relaxed the rules a little. I've probably eaten 1600 to 1700 cals today. I didn't go too overboard despite the chocolate and ice cream craving I had a few hours ago. I made that chicken dish in the crock pot that I love so much, ate some rice cakes, bran flakes, salmon thai rice thing that had 200 cals. I even had a glass of wine that someone got me from work (but it didn't taste very good!)

The idea is that tomorrow I cut waaaaay back and exercise and then Tuesday I should see some results.

If this works, it could be kinda perfect. With my late shift on Mondays I generally eat less anyways, so I can have a good day on Sunday, do the boosting of the metabolism, then crack right down on Monday. Tuesday I generally go over to 'S's house and we eat there, another bad day (I can usually keep it below 1200 just by cutting back all day except last week where she brought BK home). That way I can have a very low cal day on Monday and Weds, slightly higer on Fri and Sat, then enjoy myself (to a point!) on Tues and Sundays...

So low cal.... 800? That's half of what the Sunday is, but it's a high day overall. Perhaps I'm being silly trying to do this as I know there's leftover dinner in the fridge for tomorrow nights dinner, and that it's probably 250 to 300 cals. If I did a 600 cal day, that would be over half of it. (but I'm thinking now, I've got yoghurt that's 35cals each, tons of fruit. Is it doable?)

Hopefully this will work. If not how extreme do I go? Should I try liquid fasting? Cleansing?

Wait and see....

I have to do the post on England. I will. Just not tonight (or probably tomorrow night coz I work late) but I have to before I begin to forget things.

I ended up searching the internet for holidays today. I want to go to San Fransisco, New Orleans, Miami, and I want to look GOOD while I'm there! Next summer? That's what all this is for.....

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