Sunday, July 25, 2010

172.9lbs this morning. No run as I woke up later than planned and it was already quite warm. I have to go out tomorrow morning though and work off the pizza I ate tonight. Otherwise I'd be below 1000 cals today. I'll have to get up at 9am to go for a 2 hour ride and hopefully around 1000 cals and then eat light all day.

Airshow tomorrow :) Heading down there around 1pm with the family, and avoiding the work bbq after. In somewhat of my defense, I never did officially hear about this supposed BBQ. It was mentionned very briefly by one of my sups but my boss neglegted to tell me and one of the other managers at my level. Me and 'K' are feeling a little out of the loop at the moment, but after the visit this week I wonder if it will change.

After the camping trip I desperatly just want to leave this place and go live in a mountain town, go skiing in winter and riding/rafting/horseback riding/hiking etc all summer. Just have an existance away from all this shit, just be myself, happy, healthy and comfortably surviving.

I'm definatly leaning towards San Francisco for Sept. The tickets came this week in the mail, just plain old boring tickets, not the super cool ones that I had for England. Ordered some new VEGAN shoes online so we'll see how those fit and feel with they arrive. Ordered a new purse too. I'm a bit frustrated I can't get that hoodie but I must have a US address to order it so I either need to find an American to accept and then mail to me, or pick one up when I'm in the US (which I don't trust they'll have in stock).

I do need to buy some new jeans soon as well as mine are starting to wear again :( Hopefully that will be a problem of the past soon.

And it's 1am and all I want to do is stay up and watch Gilmore Girls some more (into season 3 now!) but I've got to go to bed if I want to be on the bike at 9am....

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