Thursday, February 17, 2011

Aaaaand.... Fuck

Was doing so well. Down to 143.5lbs this morning and managed 500cals by 5pm. Most of that was my oatmeal (160cals) and yogurt (100cals) eaten by noon. I had 2 scrambled eggs and some brocolli for dinner and hung around while we waited for my friends hubby to get home.

Hit my organic food stores so I could buy the stuff for the chicken stew and pita bread and in the process I picked up more dried fruit (ok... i guess) almond bark (better than the banana bread but not ok) chocolate bars (baaaaad) trail mix (even worse) and raspberry yogurt covered pretzels...

Fuck I ate so much. I even ate an entire piece of carrot cake.

This is killing me. I'm using my GMO free as an excuse. I have a plan for the next 'diet' but this one needs to get in hand fast. I have 2 weeks left starting Saturday. I should use tomorrow as a 'cleanse' day and then hit the last 14 days hard. I can get below 140 if I concentrate and work at it.

So here's yet another plan:

Tomorrow I will have oatmeal and coffee for breakfast. I will have tea on the road with an apple if needed. I will allow myself some trail mix, but only a bit. I will have salad with the light dressing for a late lunch. I will have a 100cal GMO free protein shake around 5pm before the gym. I'll hit the gym around 6 or so and try for 5km running. Do my hour training, cool down on a bike or elliptical. Go home, shower, tea, if I eat it will be something like a rice cake or something bland. Try for nothing.

I'm curious as to what I will weigh once I get home home, and what I will weigh before I leave here...

Ugh, I feel so gross right now. I wish I could go throw up but it was one of my damn goals. Why is that one so easy to deny but the eating stupidly and losing weight is so hard?

On another note, get to go to the massage therapist tomorrow. Finally get this knot in my back that's been bugging me all week gone!!!

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