Monday, February 21, 2011

Is It October?

No? February? A whole 4 months later? THEN WHY THE FUCK DO I WEIGH THE SAME!!!

I was 147.7 this morning. Ouch. That really hurt. True, it wasn't the 149 that i was the night before, but still. Wow....

I slept till 10:40am today giving me enough time to get up, wash my face, try and make my hair look a little less like I'd just crawled out of bed (short hair doesn't do it that well, especially when there's still hairspray in it...), change into my gym stuff and hit the gym. I got there in time for a 25min cardio on the elliptical before we went into leg day. He joked about me having jello legs tomorrow and we were going to push it.

The squat weight was definatly heavy. I felt it in my back though. We went into the yoga/fitness room and did weighted step ups (25lbs in each hand), sliders (which my core lady used to call 'mountain climbing') and then onto hamstring curls on the fit ball. My legs definatly felt like jello.... Then I did 30 min on a spin bike.

Once home I ate half a Luna bar, a few chips and salsa and some prunes before hitting the shower. After I made myself wait before having a salad and on the road I ate a rice cake and an apple with coffee (I actually had sugar in it... only 15cals but mmmmmm lol) and water. Once I got to my friends I had 3 eggs scrambled and the last of the bread that Shaun brought over yesterday which was very very very yummy again. I'm on my second cup of tea but I haven't eaten or snacked since.

My snack foods are mostly gone. I have a few pieces of licorice (8cals per piece... was once my 'treat' food) and the usual chips for salsa but no pineapple rings, or chocolate here!

I have to be down to 140 by March 5th. I'd prefer to be lower to make up for the eating that will happen the week after. The idea is to basically cut out my stupid sugars and snacking. I'm also thinking of doing something similar to the IF fasting but I'm not sure how that would work. I have to have something in the morning to get the metabolism going but then I don't eat until noon or 1pm. If I do that, then I would have to stop eating at 4pm which would be bad as I usually don't hit the gym until 5 or 6 and not having at least steamed veggies after wouldn't be too smart. I'll get super hungry and binge.

I think I'll just stick to my 3 basic meals and one snack, but restrict those. Aim for a max of 800 cals (today was close to that total not net) and bounce between 500-800. I have 12 days left then I can get back onto my old routine involving lots of brothy soups so that will help!!! For now, oatmeal, yogurt, salad and apples. Celery I have now too, then for dinners, miso soup, and veggies. Snacks, prunes and chips. Post/pre workout the Luna bars as I'll need some protein.

Wow.... I'm still in shock that I've gained that much in such a short time. Hopefully it'll be easy to lose. No wonder I felt so gross.

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