Saturday, February 26, 2011


I cracked today. Tonight more like it. I went out with friends after hitting the gym and ended up with a diet Coke, then 2 shots of sour puss and helped them finish off the nachos. Figuring I was already fucking up my GMO free diet, when driving my friend home we hit Burger King and I had a burger, poutine and pop, then hit a donut place after where I proceded to shove 3 donuts in my mouth.

So fucking good.

I'm 148.1lbs. I was 144.8lbs.

I managed 30something days before cracking. But I had a fantastic time at karaoke tonight.

I'm going to bake bread in the morning and stay away from chocolate and junk. I've satisfied a massive craving I've had for ages so I should be able to focus for the last 7 days until my weigh in. By now I just want to be 142 or less.

Hitting the gym tomorrow around noon or 1pm. Do a long day, have a leg day. Eat oatmeal and fresh bread for breakfast, salad for lunch. Drive in the evening, starve for dinner.

I'm not thin yet. I need to get working again.

1 comment:

  1. Aw sorry to hear about the crack! After a couple drinks it always seems so much easier to give in. I was SO close to cracking last night, I did have some cheese soup and didn't think I'd gain but I did:(-Its amazing how one day or one little meal can mess up a whole weeks worth of working your ass off.

    Hope today is better for you!
