Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day Off

I'm taking a day off. I know what my weight is but I'm not posting it. I know what I was supposed to eat, but I'm not doing that. I know I was planning on going to the gym, but fuck it, I'm taking today off.

Some of that has to do with the fact I woke up feeling a tiny bit short of breath. I'm hoping that this cold doesn't go to my chest as I'm well and truly fucked for the gym this week if it does. I'm not coughing, just feeling short of breath. Honey and lemon with hot water, vitamins, tea and maybe some Dayquil. As much as I hate to, maybe it will be just enough to get rid of the cold heading to my chest.

That's it for that. I made sugar cookies, and ate a ton. I'm making bread right now, and as soon as it's cooled I'm having a few slices. Yummy!!!! I drive tonight and I'm eating pizza. Double yummy!!! I haven't had CHEESE in so long!!!! I'm going to have diet soda, and depending on how much I make tonight, maybe go have a piece of chocolate cake or something sweet and baked delicious badness.

It's my day off. I want to enjoy it guilt free. I'll let the guilt drive me tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get to feeling better:(

    I love having guilt free days, being able to enjoy absolutely anything and all the things you've been craving for awhile.. I hope you enjoyed it:) you can worry about it this coming week. We all deserve a day off every now & then.
