Friday, March 25, 2011

Am I retarded (or am I just paranoid)

So not quite the lyric, but 'overjoyed' doesn't work. I'm definatly turning paranoid.

I'm concerned that people are going to find this blog. I use Toomi as an online name for so many things. If I google it, this blog is 2nd on the 3rd page.

I'm debating starting a new blog, changing the name, or both.

1 comment:

  1. I got paranoid too!
    Just change your name and delete your older post. Thats what I did, well I kept my name but deleted all my older post for fear of someone finding it, because I give a lot of details on my post, it'd be very obvious to anyone who talks to me to know it was me.

    If you do delete it, make sure and find me so I can keep following you!
