Saturday, March 5, 2011

Its One Weekend

Full of binging!!!!

Today we had cinnamon buns for breakfast. Homemade ones. I was still hungry by the time I finished 2. At least there was no icing with them. So my friend made scrambled eggs, and I had a piece of toast with it.

Went grocery shopping, AFTER I finished eating my binge food I didn't eat last night. Then we had lunch, just soup and 2 whole wheat buns from last night.

Cleaned house. I cleaned my living areas, so downstairs, and got to jump around to my tunes. Not having a car is making me sad. I miss howling along to my music. I also played guitar A LOT. My poor fingers hurt. Couldn't make it through Wonderwall before I called it quits. However, got most of Redundant down and played Fucking Perfect again.

Then my friend and I headed out to a movie... with dinner first. Hit the 5 Guys in town as I've been talking about it the whole time I was GMO free, therefore it was off the list. I ate a burger, and half the fries, downing a diet soda as well. We headed to the movie but it was a huge line up and we would have been late for the movie. My coupon included popcorn so there was one bullet I dodged, until one of us mentionned Cinzeo. So off we went to buy MORE sugar.

Once home I weighed myself... yup, up again, though not quite at 150 yet.

I don't know what to do.

We're having french toast tomorrow, thanks to my big fucking mouth mentionning it while we were grocery shopping. I was supposed to go for brunch with Shaun tomorrow but as I'm stuck with no car, it's not happening. All I could think of was french toast, or more specifically, whipped creme.

The rest of the afternoon and evening I will have to myself, sans vehicle. I will probably nap, play on the computer, watch TV/movies, maybe walk up to Esso and get some more Vitamin Water (not ideal but I can't get to a grocery store very easily where I'm staying). I was going to order in pizza... I may still order in pizza. I don't know. I really really want it. I'm craving it.

Tomorrow can go two ways. I can stop eating after I have french toast, or I can stop after eating pizza. Either way I am going back to strict sugar intakes, no fruit, regular low fat, low sugar yogurt, salads, soups and overloading on gym time. Fuck knows I've got the energy/fat stores for it now.

I need my damn car back. I have to hit the gym on Monday. I need to go into overload mode!!!

Tonight... well it's water before bed and weigh myself in the morning. Eat french toast, feel fat and disgusting, maybe add some pizza on and then start the push. I have 12 days before my birthday.... 12 days to hit 140..

I bought some cute hats while shopping today for when I shave my head. However, a fat rounded face won't work. I can't pull off the super short hair if I'm fat. I won't be skinny in 2 weeks, but at least I can drop all this weight.

I see situps in my future, or pushups, everytime I feel hungry.

I just need to survive tomorrow.

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