Sunday, March 27, 2011


Lazy start to the day. I didn't do anything until around noon and even then it was only half assed. Cleaned, packed a bit and recorded the concert from online streaming radio that I was at a year ago. Cleaned, ran out and bought some supplies for tonight, and binged a bit on chocolate, chocolate peanut trail mix, and a whole wheat bun ( I know, fucked, but I wanted something 'doughy'). Shaun and his gal showed up at 8pm and we started eating around 8:30. Salmon ended up a bit smushy compared to when I usually fry it, but it was still good, along with broccoli and brown rice. The wine was really good. It was a quiet slow start while Shaun played on the guitars and both us girls kinda stayed quiet. Wasn't until she offered to help that I started talking. I don't know why we didn't at first. Lively discussion, lots of laughs, chocolate and cookies. I know the weight will go up tomorrow, but honestly tonight it was worth it. There's nothing like having friends over and I'm pretty sure they will be the last ones over for dinner at this place. When they left I had a few hoots and have been sitting here watching The Passionate Eye, 102 Minutes That Changed The World. It's horrifying. I remember coming home from a night shift and ended up sitting up most of the morning watching it in horror, and now I"m watching a documentary about it in the same shock and horror. I can't believe that this year it will be 10 years..... and there's still a war over it. It's just ended so I can start to concentrate on this blog... I have thought about it and I'm ending this one. This blog has helped me for just over 250 posts. I started it in May, it's now almost April. I'm not carrying it over, I can't. I went from 191lbs to a low of 137.8lbs. I am currently 145. I am considered a healthy weight. My trainer is happy where I am, and now the goal is to continue to gain muscle. However, I look in the mirror and am still disgusted by what I see. I, by pure chance, found 2 pairs of pants that I packed up ages ago after being too fat to fit into them anymore when I was dating Scott three and a bit years ago. They're pretty lose now. Not good enough. I want thin. I move in 3 days. I will be changing my life once again. I have gained some control in the last few days, but a lot in my life will change. After Friday I will no longer have a trainer. I will hopefully have him again, but I don't know when(I don't know what I'll do if I don't. I'll miss him like crazy!). I'm tired, kinda loopy feeling still. Going to go register the new blog tomorrow. I'll post one last post here with the directions. I've also set up a facebook profile for myself under my Pretty Thin name. I am going to use that for ONLY Pretty Thin, this blog and any other ED related sites I go to. Oh, I may have put cityville on that profile too.... damn that game is addictive ;) Bed.... I need sleep. Back to starving tomorrow :D

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