Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day Off

Took a day off from exercise today. I even managed to prolong the fasting an extra 40min, not eating until 12:40pm. Had lunch with Jason (spinach salad) and went to go get boxes etc. Came home and made some steamed veggies before heading off to work.

I stayed late, hit Safeway on the way home and then cracked.

I ordered from Burger King and MacDonalds and drove home. I ate most of the grilled chicken patty but only half of the bun, half of the onion rings and half of the fish. Fine, I ate too much... but then I ate a bunch of cookies I made, and a few of the chocolate chips that are there for the next batch.

Well fuck. I was down to 147.7 this morning, pretty sure I won't be there tomorrow. I'm probably 149.5 or 150 now, meaning I"ll be lucky to hit 148.0.

Do I ever know how to screw things up.

Tomorrow.... I don't know what I'll do. Technically I stopped eating at 11:30pm meaning I can't eat until 3:30pm tomorrow. I'll try, but that's quite some time.... fortunatly I don't hit the gym until 5:30 so that give me time to eat....

I'll see what happens.

Right now my stomach hurts :(

1 comment:

  1. :( breaking a fast can be dangerous!! I always make sure I am going to be super busy the day I'm breaking my fast so I have no time to binge.

    At least you didn't eat ALL of the food. When I binge on fast food I eat every last CRUMB, not kidding, it's disgusting.

    Things will get better, just get your mind in the zone:)
