Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Still going down

148.8 this morning, so very solidly below that dreaded 150 line. I'm hoping to be 147 tomorrow. Really, if I can hit 145 by Saturday, I should very easily be able to do 140 by the 19th. It's just sticking to it.

Which I kinda half assed did today. I started off great, oatmeal, tea... then at work the yogurts, salad and celery. Except I forgot the 35cal soup and was seriously hungry by 4pm and knew I had a 3 hr gym session. I do need energy for these ones so I figured if I could get home by 5pm I could have a very small snack, protein bar or something, before heading out. Yeah, I left work at 445.... it's an hour drive in rush hour. So I stopped off at a store, bought a cheese bun (250-300 cals) and had a piece of white chocolate almond bark and some chocolate covered ju jubes. Not bad overall. It was only one piece of chocolate when usually I go all out and buy tons of different types. I did eat it all though....

Gym was great. Managed about 10 min on one of the weird ellipticals before the Zumba started. Got a good spot next to my new friend and danced my heart out for the next hour. It's getting easier... a bit.. I'm catching on quicker, but unlike the other gals I don't work up a sweat. Wonder if maybe I just don't sweat like that. I never seem to get all drippy, but I've worked hard enough!!!! Anyways, did an hour of the next class, mostly legs, then about 20 mins of more weights, shoulders and lats. I should be nice and sore tomorrow.

Came home and ate broccoli, 2 bits of my friends sugar free rice pudding (I chucked the rest down the toilet.... I can't eat it, it's milk, splenda, rice, fat, and heavy...) and a tiny bit of this 60cal organic cereal that i've discovered I love despite the fact it has no sugar or anything. I still feel like I ate too much.

Thanks to the damn cheese bun I'm somewhere just shy of 1200 cals today, much higher than normal. But with the dancing and elliptical it puts me around 900, not counting the other class I did as there's no way I can easily calculate that.

Tomorrow is a late shift day and a non gym day seeing as I'm going on Friday now instead. I'm going to grab a ride as the car is starting to sound a little rough again, work till 9pm, come home and start packing. My long awaited glorious 3 weeks off begins tomorrow with me picking up the cats and driving my poor car home. I just hope it makes it there!

Food wise, it's backwards. I'll eat oatmeal and tea in the morning and try to avoid lunch for as long as possible. I'd like to avoid eating breakfast until 9am or so, just tea first thing. Salad and soup for work, with yogurt and celery as snacks. Take tea with me, water and possibly a vitamin water as I'd like a soda for the drive home ( my treat :) Diet of course!)

I only wish two things now... that I"m down again tomorrow, to 147, and that my car gets me home.... Is that too much to ask?

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