Tuesday, September 14, 2010

154.4lbs this morning. Not great, but not 157.

Went until 2pm with only the tea and water, and then just had salad and yoghurt. I was busy today!!! Got a bunch of stuff done, but I've still got so much more to do.

Hit the gym after work. Did 15min warm up in the main gym as it was busy upstairs, then went to the yoga. So we've estabilshed one thing quite well. I have upper body flexibility but absolutely no balance and strength. It wasn't that easy!!! My arms got tired quickly and my legs struggled with some of the balance. However, according to my lovely app on my phone 45 min was 277 calories ( I rounded down the hour). The cool down at the end was interesting. I actually got chilly and everyone else had a jacket. It almost felt like the yoga should have ended my workout but instead I headed upstairs to do some arms and then finished on the elliptical with level 4 for 15 min.

Once home I ate a piece of salmon, with veggies and honey mustard sauce. I was fine until I figured half a 100cal popcorn bag would be good and then proceeded to dunk the popcorn in Nutella and ate the entire bag instead of half.

Post workout I was 152.9, post dinner 153.3. What will I be tomorrow?

I've fucked up my schedule. I work till 430 and have training at 5. That doesn't give me enough time to get home, change, get to the gym and warm up. I'm going to see if I can bail around 4pm, and try and get there by 430pm. Hopefully I won't have to take too much midol tomorrow.

This mornings number put me at above the 1.25 plan by .7lbs. I was under the .8 plan by .2. I'm still on track to drop the 10 in 2 weeks at least.

Tomorrow's 1.25 plan is 152.4, .8 plan is 153.8. I should be well under the .8 plan, and it's possible I can get very close to the 1.25 plan.

I hate waiting for the morning.

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