Monday, November 29, 2010


Da Man.....

AKA Richard Dean Anderson

Number 4 on my list is going to allow me to geek out.... I'm a HUGE Stargate fan. I got into it years ago when I was home sick from work. Channel surfing and found some wierd show with some blonde chick with electricity shooting out of her fingers and speaking in a crazy voice, and some not too bad looking guy trying not to shoot her. I figured that he had a thing for her and managed to catch the next episode the next day and the day after, and very soon I was setting the VCR.

This was my first real fandom. I went online to find out what was going on between Jack and Sam (the two characters) and found a forum. For the first time ever I joined a forum, and jumped right in. I found there were other people who thought that there was something going on between the two leads, and those that were adamently against it. I went out and bought a bunch of the seasons to catch up.

I got right into it. My second most favourite show (and no, it's not ER as my fave) and one I watched every week. I got right into the fandom, finding friends and exploring my creative side by doing some short stories and learning the basics of photoshops.

I even went to a convention and LOVED it!!!!

RDA was a part of this, my first fandom. I watched MacGyver for RDA, and as old and cheesy as it is, I enjoyed that too (though in the later years it got super corny... I loved the earlier stuff, and a very young silly Terri Hatcher!!!). RDA as Jack brought humour to Kurt Russells role in the movie, but he had a very serious side as was necessary in tough situations. He made Jack sensitive and caring towards others, perhaps more so to one person in particular. His comedic timing is perfect, watch him fiddle around with any prop left on a desk, or work bench, or his facial expressions and adlibbed one liners.

He's also a HUGE Simpsons fan, and they wrote an episode for him when Patty and Selma kidnap him from a Stargate convention to go to a MacGyver convention. So very funny!!! There's many Simpsons adlibs in Stargate, various 'D'oh's and comments about not setting his VCR to record the Simpsons. There's also the last line of Season 8 where Jack comments 'close enough' as there's fish in the pond that wasn't supposed to have fish after some time travelling had occured.

He left in season 8, made a few guest appearances, and spends most of his time with his daughter.

His other passions include the Water Keeper Alliance, founded by Robert F Kennedy Jr. It's a worldwide organization dedicated to protecting streams, rivers, and coastlines, dedicated to keeping water clean and stopping polluters. He also plays guitar, having one of his own songs featured in one of the MacGyver episodes.
Why number 4 for RDA? Stargate will always have a place in my heart as my first main fandom and passion for a while, and without RDA, the character of Jack would not be the same. His work with the WaterKeeper Alliance is something near and dear to me also.

Didn't drop as much as I hoped for, but the fact that I dropped I should be thankful for, given how I ate yesterday!! Today was ok.... I snacked on junk a bit too much but the overall count is around 800. Minus the junk I'd be around 400-500.... Most of the stuff I'm snacking on (the damn candy I bought yesterday for those Candy Tins) will be gone tomorrow as I'll take them to work. At work (besides getting a TON of shit done!!!!) I ate my salad, 2 yogurts, rice cake and finished the entire 1L of water. I went straight to the gym where I ran for 25 min and went to the ball class.

Ball was wierd. I thought it would be a lot more 'active' but it felt like a cross between yoga and core. I think I've got some good exercises to do at home though, some really good balance ones. I should be able to incorporate them with my yoga and core, or even just one offs during the evening. I think I'll have to wait and see how I feel in the morning to see if it did anything different.

Jumped on one of the different ellipticals and it was way better. Harder random mode, but it didn't bug my knees nearly as much. There's a stupid TV mounted on the top of it and it's at an awkward angle so it's hard to not watch, but hard to watch. Saw Shaun on my way out and he said hello as I was leaving. I apparently left my lock under the bench and one of the other gals let me know so I ran back to get it. He called me a 'lost little girl' and for some reason it felt like a compliment.

Little girl is something I'm ultimatly striving for and I was in a coat that covered my thighs and my skin tight pants so I certainly looked skinnier.... It felt really good.

Once home I ate broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts all steamed and 110 cals with some low cal sauce.

Tomorrow I work the same shift and will hopefully get a ton of stuff done as well!!! Take the same lunch, have probably the same breakfast... There's no Yoga tomorrow and I was debating Spin... I think I should just go and run my ass off at 7pm, training at 8pm, then home right after. No cooldown coz it'll be too late. Try for 40 min on the treadmil and go nuts on the arms.

Mitten count today... same as yesterday :( I can't figure out my sewing machine as it keeps jamming after a few stitches. I've got to pull the one piece off and see if there's something stuck underneath. This puts me behind!! I have to make 2 tomorrow when I get home to make up for it.

Fantasia is out on Blu Ray tomorrow and I'm super excited. I used to love that movie as a kid when my dad had it on VHS. I know what I'll be watching tomorrow :)

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