Monday, December 13, 2010

My Own Fault

I have no one to blame but myself. I ate too much last night (139.5 this morning) and should have gone right back to my restricting and controling. I fully planned on it!!! I woke up late and felt horribly groggy, having tea and half a yogurt before heading out. After checking on the cats one last time I hit the gym and got there just in time for the class to start.

I've seen the spin classes in action before but never really paid attention. It was ok, you get to chose your own tension etc, and I did work hard. Some of the women in there were dripping sweat. I was a little damp, a bit worse than running but nothing like these gals. The woman next to me was my trainers wife and in front of me, his ex-girlfriend (yeah... I feel so sorry for him as they've become really good friends.). The other women were mostly 25-35 or so years old, absolutly perfect. They were slim/skinny, very well toned, and said not a word to me or the other new gal (who was larger than I, meaning I was the second fattest there). Need thinspo? Do that class! After we killed ourselves for 45 min we headed into the classroom for 15 min of core. Wasn't bad.... Could have done without those perfect women doing all the chit chatting and irritating the instructor. I managed a few exercises upstairs before heading home.

Damn I was tired. Wobbly legs was the least of it. My throat hurt, my eyes hurt, my head hurt, and I just felt exhausted. Showered and chilled a bit at home, making chocolates and getting lunch ready.

Bad idea. I ended up picking at the chocolate, then having a few cookies, and some more chocolate and a few more cookies....

Overall today I've had sooooo much chocolate and cookies. I've eaten that half a yogurt, scrambled eggs and my salad, the rest was shit food. If I can be under 140 tomorrow it'll be a bloody miracle, if I'm over, it's my own damn fault.

Tomorrow is Tuesday, glorious tuesday. I hate working tuesdays as I'm in meetings and get shit all done, but it's yoga and training so I can burn so much off. I'm desperatly hoping that this mini binge will kick start another loss. I managed to drop just over 5lbs. If I can restrict and stick to it I should be 135 by Saturday morning. 5lbs in 5 days.... I should be able to do that.

I need sleep. I need rest. I need to stop being so exhausted.

13 days to go....

1 comment:

  1. Its ok! You ate some chocolate, but you also kicked your ass in your workout:) so maybe you'll still be under 140, if not you can get back down in a day.

    I stopped going to a public gym recently because I got so paranoid about working out around other people..skinny people. :|
