Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye to 2010

Another year in the bag. This one certainly has been a life changing year!!!

I entered 2010 trying to quit smoking, and almost 190lbs. I vowed to eat healthy and begin exercising, begining with a walk in the riverbottom on Jan 1st (pure coincidence. I had the day off. I hate resolutions) and eventually evolving in May to a very serious attempt to get in shape. It got a bit warped in July/August and I've done nothing but encourage it, but I am hoping I will enter 2011 under 140.0lbs.

I've joined a gym, got a trainer, and stuck to a plan. I love going there, the classes, the people who work there and also clients. My trainer is amazing and in the past little while really feels like a friendship has evolved. He is someone that I know can make me smile even when I'm having the worst day, even when his world is crashing around him.

I've dealt with the blow of having my boss get promoted (yay her!!!!) and leave the store. I've weathered the change of management with my new boss being an asshole. I've accomplished a few high scores, received recognition for the work I've done, and made a name for myself around the western team.

I've added 3 guitars and a bass to my collection, the first guitar of the year being my dream guitar, my baby. I can play and sing, though not in public!

I took the plunge and went to see my favourite band for the first time ever, flying halfway around the world to do so. I loved it so much I went to Oakland to see them in their home town.

In my mind I can see images of traipsing all over the Great Orme in Wales, seeing Gilman Street for the first time, walking all over Oakland with my pack, camping in Fernie in the glorious mountains and many many more.

I've changed physically. I've chopped my once blonde shoulder length hair to a fauxhawk that is now black. It's been various shades of brown and blue in between. I've added two new tattoos this year, and shed 50lbs. Instead of wearing only jeans and a big baggy sweater, I wear girly sweaters, and other clothes that are more fashionable and fitting. My work with Shaun has produced some nice muscle definition but there's still a long way to go. I can lift more, run further, push harder, and am more in tune with my body than I ever have been.

I've changed emotionally. I feel better about myself and have more confidence. I've stepped out of my shell and tried new experiences. I have still cried at the drop of a hat but have gotten much better at that recently, and have improved on keeping some of my anger, and other emotions internal.

Despite my food issues I am probably healthier than I have been since I was 15.

What does this mean for 2011? Well, that will be posted tomorrow.

Today was another interesting day. I could NOT fall asleep, posting on Facebook again and having Shaun and Falcon start up conversations. Eventually I got about 3hrs sleep before heading into work at 5am with -28C temperatures... yup, winter hath returneth!!!

Worked for 3.5hrs before I got the official offer to take the new job. It's a 'temporary' position as they may have to have me back here for March, but they're trying to get approval to override that. I said yes. At this point it would be silly to say no. I have to meet my new boss on Sunday in the new city.

My head is still spinning.

I had a massage today and she said my neck and shoulders are very very tight and she reccomends more frequent massages. As much as I don't want to, she may be right. Went back to work for a tripod then to the gym for 40min on the elliptical.

Leg day for training. We upped some of the weights, but for the leg squat we went to four sets instead of three. Leg squats, calf, and the groin/hip flexers one. Once again we yapped way too much, but it's awesome. Left wishing each other happy new years and for a fleeing moment I wondered what it would be like to hug him.

Home then out driving where it was really busy. Then I followed through with my dinner plans from last night. Post gym I was 138.7lbs. Currently 139.7. Considering my binge I was expecting much worse.

Tomorrow, I am hoping for 138.9 or lower. I have to clean the house really well tomorrow as that will be it until next week. I also need to go purchase a small cooler and ice pack and buy two of some things so I can have a set of somethings here, and somethings at my friends house in the new city.. things like makeup, pj's, toothbrust etc.

I have to be in the new store by about 3ish on Sunday, so I may still be able to hit the gym. Tomorrow I have dinner at my one friends so that will help counter that.

My mind is starting to bounce all over the place. I need sleep.

Happy New Year all!!!

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