Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 2

I was back under 140 this morning. 139.4 was a glorious number to see.

Roads weren't too bad getting to work, the problem was no one remembered how to drive on them. Took me a full half hour longer to get to work. It will be just as bad tomorrow.

Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. First day I get to work with my new boss as he's been off on 'vacation' for the last week. (He went to visit his ailing father. I feel bad saying vacation as it probably wasn't fun). I have to ask him about this weekend, if I can get the Monday off also so I can go to the Christmas party, and get that extra training session in.

Today I went until about 1pm before having my salad, then yogurt at 3pm. Rice cake was eaten on the way to the gym and I had a few 5 Guys cajun fries. By few, I think I had 5 or 6...

Went for about 25 min on the elliptical (I don't like the ones up here as much, but I promised Shaun I wouldn't run for a few days) then the hour of Zumba. I felt very uncoordinated but still got a leg work out. Hit the pool afterwards.

I can swim, I learned when I was a kid. I used to be quite good at it also. I just haven't done it in a really really long time. I was a bit nervous. Once I got in the water though it was awesome. I had the pool to myself and swam for 20-25min.....

Headed back to Stef's place where I showered, and began to binge. I had my 35cal soup and a cup of tea. Then I ate some of the rice pudding she made me with splenda, then after she went to bed I ate 2 cupcakes, 3 chocolates, chips, salsa, rice cakes, licorice, and more. I ended up bailing and heading downstairs to get away from the food. I was 140.3 after that ( I had been 137.8 after the gym...)

Been chilling out in bed and playing around on facebook since then, water and vitamin water by my bedside. No more tea tonight!!!

I ate somewhere around 700cals which is higher than my 500cal goal, but I burned around 600-650 which is ok I guess.

Tomorrow, same as today, minus post gym binge. No class tomorrow so I'm hoping to be at the gym for 2 hrs. I may stay late at work to avoid the traffic, and to avoid getting home too early. This way I can lie my way out of yet another dinner. (and I have to dispose of that rice pudding. There's enough in the fridge with my name on it for 3 or 4 more deserts....)

Hoping for 138.5 or lower by morning. That will give me 4 days to lose 3.5lbs.

Wander: Stay warm!!! Our snow storm has abated, but we're supposed to see another 10-15cm on Sunday alone, almost 30cm they're predicting for the weekend... It got up to -16C today and I FROZE at work. High of -26C tomorrow and I'm wearing a third shirt!!!

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