Monday, January 17, 2011

Piercings and Plans

Start with the fun stuff. I got my eyebrow pierced. Bad stuff, I was this morning.

Gym was at noon so I hit the elliptical for 25 min. Legs felt good so I think I can run tomorrow. Today was the first third day of the revised workout and we went back to the squat machine. Different stance and I have to be very very careful I'm not bending my knees in. I was a bit chilly so I left my zippered hoodie on and tried not to jump 10ft in the air when Shaun grabbed me by the waist. I know he was making sure I wasn't doing something bad and twisting or something, but it felt strange but in a good way. Yeah, I know.... dangerous paths are being tread here....

Wore the new shoes for leg day and they are definatly cooler than the old ones. They feel awesome too!!!! Once we were done I headed out, too much to do.

Hit Walmart and Stupidstore to pick up a fruit platter for tonight and they were both cleaned out!!! Walmart didn't even have any salads!!! Guess there's a shortage? Not at Safeway though, where I pay way more, get way less, but got a fruit platter an veggie platter with airmiles on top.

Home, showered, packed and off to get my eyebrow pierced. I hate getting needles. I always freak out, pass out, get sick etc. I went with a lollipop and water, picked out my jewelry and Mikey did it for me :)

I've known him since I was 16 and it was awesome seeing him again. He gave me the lowdown, shoved the needle through my eyebrow and let me chill while I had my sugar and water and try to stay conscious. I managed, barely, but it's an accomplishment!!!

Off north to go back to work, and the 2 hr drive in the dark was awesome with decent roads and me flying along at 130km/hr, howling along to tunes. I love that Linkin Park song, can't get it out of my head. It was even playing at the gym today, don't know if Shaun heard it, but it's such a beautiful song and so sad all in one go.

Once here I hit up the womens meeting at the church and proceeded to waste all my work for the day by pigging out on candy, cookies, marshmallows, fruit, veggies and sugared walnuts. I feel even bigger than yesterday. I'm 146lbs. How did I possibly feel good at 146lbs? Seriously? I'm a fucking whale. How the fuck did I gain almost 10lbs in one week?

Leading into part 2 of this post. Plans. Again. One. More. Fucking. Time. (I should probably resign myself to the fact that I will be doing this always....)

I lied to my friend. I told her that with my trainers advice I'm doing a very basic diet this week. Veggies, salads, soups no sugars, no breads/carbs etc. She believed it so hopefully she won't try to feed me/ tempt me with anything.

I'll have my half an oatmeal in the morning to kickstart things and get something in me, then tea to work. I'll take a yogurt, salad, rice cake and water with either the rice cake or yogurt as a pre gym snack. Maybe I'll take a second yogurt in case, and have the rice cake after? Then once back and showered some steamed veggies that I've brought, and maybe a soup. If I stick to that it won't be more than 500cals, and I've bought lollipops. One per day will be suficient and while I am adding that sugar to my diet, it will hopefully help curb the binges.

Oh, no more purging. I think that's part of the problem. I just assume I can rid myself of it but I'm not very good at it so it doesn't really work.

I was 147 after boxing day, and yes I did a liquid fast right after, but I can do that on Friday if I need to, but I managed to drop to 142 pretty quickly. I'm hoping that by morning I can be 145, and then after tomorrow, 143 or lower.

Hitting the gym tomorrow night too. Running is the business of the day, but I HATE how hot it is up there. I feel so gross running but it has to be done. Running for at least 30min, followed by arms and abs, then cycling for 30 min. Aim for 2hrs total.

6 days... not 6 in 6 this time... I want/must be 138 by Monday. That's 8 in 6.


1 comment:

  1. Uh oh are you falling for your trainer?;)

    I hear you on the purging thing. I used to be good at it but it's gotten harder over the years for me so I don't get much of it out, meaning I still consume pretty much all of the calories! Just stay strong.. you can get back down into the 130's. Just keep your head & mind set on your goal. No food is worth it.

    Also, I wish I had the guts to get another piercing :P I took all mine out over a year ago!
