Sunday, January 23, 2011

T Minus One Day

I'm actually going to do this. I am completely changing my diet, going a completely different direction and while I'm scared, I'm very excited also.

I'm going to try the GMO free. I've done the research and bought the food, and piled all the non-gmo food into bags. Already taken a bunch to my Dad's, looks like Shaun will take some, and the rest I'll take to Stephs as I know her and the kids will eat it.

I've bought food. Actual food. I have not been looking at calories, I've been looking for non GMO ingredients, organic certifications etc. I'm freaking out just a bit. Some of this stuff is low in calories, but some is a bit higher than what I'm used to.

But it's all FRESH, REAL, no pesticides, no aspartine, no shit. I can sacrifice a few calories for that right?

What does this mean for me?

So many things. Shaun said I had lept ahead in the past month, and I feel it. I feel stronger, and while I actually weight MORE now than I did at Christmas, (by like a pound) I feel better. I'm terrified of that number on the scale. I want to go lower and that fucked up part of my mind thinks that this will help as I've just gone and VERY severly restricted my diet. I CAN NOT eat out, munch, take what others are offering etc. I can't drink any diet soda, no crystal light, no juices unless they are organic and GMO free. I can only see this as helping that.

I am going to increase my caloric intake. These last few days I have BINGED like there's no tomorrow and have dropped to 140.9, but today back up to 144. If I can manage to keep my calories 800-1000 per day of all this fresh healthy stuff, plus with the gym, I will still lose I think/hope. I've stalled anyways as the binging is damaging my metabolism.

My current goal, to stick to the GMO free diet. The secondary goal is to lose weight. I still feel fat. I still look in the mirror and see fat, but I'm starting to see the muscle and like it.

Bring on tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow I think your new diet and goal is amazing! Very admirable. It takes a lot to throw out all the food you had and completely start eating a different way. I've heard of people eating like this, I know a couple of people personally and it is ridiculous how thin/in shape they are and how much they can eat. Its all healthy food and like you said all FRESH... you're going to end up feeling amazing by eating like this and you will definitely lose more weight don't worry, you will probably lose more because your metabolism will go back to normal(or better than normal) PLUS.. you'll have more energy!! I'm slightly jealous. I've been thinking about increasing my calories and eating more fresh foods and such without worrying about calorie content so much, baby steps I guess..thinking then action,but congrats on doing it, I look up to you! Good luck<3 you'll do awesome.

    PS-Yes Cardiology is what I'm mostly interested in, but there are so many specialty areas & you don't get into that until about your 3rd year in med school & whenever you do your residency afterwards so who knows:) many options out there.
